Verify ASM disk at operating system level

If you have a CANDIDATE or FORMER disk on RAC you can verify if disk is configured properly on both servers this way. Do not do this with a MEMBER disk!! Example of a candidate disk with kfed read:
% kfed read /dev/oraasm/LUN_672_DG_BBDD
kfbh.endian:                          0 ; 0x000: 0x00
kfbh.hard:                            0 ; 0x001: 0x00
kfbh.type:                            0 ; 0x002: KFBTYP_INVALID
kfbh.datfmt:                          0 ; 0x003: 0x00
kfbh.block.blk:                       0 ; 0x004: blk=0
kfbh.block.obj:                       0 ; 0x008: file=0
kfbh.check:                           0 ; 0x00c: 0x00000000
kfbh.fcn.base:                        0 ; 0x010: 0x00000000
kfbh.fcn.wrap:                        0 ; 0x014: 0x00000000
kfbh.spare1:                          0 ; 0x018: 0x00000000
kfbh.spare2:                          0 ; 0x01c: 0x00000000
100399800 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  [................]
  Repeat 255 times

KFED-00322: Invalid content encountered during block traversal: [kfbtTraverseBlock][Invalid OSM block type][][0]
if the disk above had be a MEMBER, you would have been view this info with kfed read (and some another one):
kfdhdb.dskname:          TPG_DATA1_0011 ; 0x028: length=14
kfdhdb.grpname:          TPG_DATA1 ; 0x048: length=9
kfdhdb.fgname:           TPG_FG2 ; 0x068: length=7
Well, in case disk is CANDIDATE: Create a new text file with some info:
cd /home/oracle/test/

echo "======================" > disk_probe.txt
date >> disk_probe.txt
hostname >> disk_probe.txt
echo "This information should be visible from each node to prove is same disk"
echo "======================" >> disk_probe.txt
Write this file to the disk:
dd if=/home/oracle/test/disk_probe.txt of=/dev/oraasm/LUN_66E_DG_BBDD bs=4096 count=1 conv=notrunc 

Then you can read in all RAC instances the info written to disk with this command:

od -c /dev/oraasm/LUN_66E_DG_BBDD | more


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