
Showing posts with the label oracle memory

AMM Oracle automatic memory management

With Oracle AMM  oracle manages automatically SGA and PGA. Database smart flash cache is designed to work as a L2 buffer cache. It is conceived to allocate this on a flash disk device (solid disk). To enable automatically memory management you should set MEMORY_TARGET and MEMORY_MAX_TARGET parameters. SGA and PGA memory will be allocated automatically to work around MEMORY_TARGET with MEMORY_MAX_TARGET upper limit. In order to size MEMORY_TARGET you need to: SQL> select * from v$memory_target_advice order by memory_size; MEMORY_SIZE MEMORY_SIZE_FACTOR ESTD_DB_TIME ESTD_DB_TIME_FACTOR VERSION ----------- ------------------ ------------ ------------------- ---------- 3072 ,75 37999044 1,0005 0 4096 1 37980054 1 0 4608 1,125 37980054 1 0 5120 1,25 37980054 1 0 ...