Table modifications

It is an interesting oracle feature.. This feautore allows you to now when a table or a row was modified last time...

Each oracle table has a pseudocolum called ora_rowscn, this pseudocolum contains last scn in which a row was modified.
So if you need a table last modification date (DML point of view) you can do this..
SQL> select  scn_to_timestamp(MAX(ora_rowscn)) FROM OWNER1.TEMP;

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This select works selecting the max oracle SCN (System Change Number, each transaction in database generates a new SCN), so the max(scn) is the last DML in the table...

Same way you can see when a specific row was modified last time by:

SQL> select  scn_to_timestamp(ora_rowscn) FROM OWNER1.TEMP where ID=13;

08-FEB-18 PM


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