Sybase database occupation

Sybase database occupation script

set nocount on
declare @pgsize float
--select @pgsize = (1048576. / v.low) from master.dbo.spt_values v where v.number = 1 and v.type = 'E'
select @pgsize = 1048576 / @@maxpagesize

select          'DbName'                = substring(, 1, 30),
				'Usage'                 = convert(varchar(15),substring(m.description, 1, 14)),
				'Size'                  = convert(varchar(13),right(space(13) + convert(varchar(10),convert(decimal(10,1),
												sum(u.size) / @pgsize)),10) + ' Mo'),
				--'Used'                        = convert(varchar(13),right(space(10) + convert(varchar(10),convert(numeric(10,1),
				'Used'                  = convert(varchar(13),right(space(10) + convert(varchar(10),convert(decimal(10,1),
												sum(size - convert(float,curunreservedpgs(d.dbid,u.lstart, u.unreservedpgs))) / @pgsize)),10) + ' Mo'),
				'Free'                  = convert(varchar(13),right(space(10) + convert(varchar(10),convert(numeric(10,1),
												sum( convert(float,curunreservedpgs(d.dbid, u.lstart, u.unreservedpgs))) / @pgsize)),10) + ' Mo'),
				--'PerUsed'             = convert(varchar(8),right(space(6) + convert(varchar(6),convert(numeric(8,1), convert(money,sum(size - convert(float,curunreservedpgs(d.dbid,u.lstart, u.unreservedpgs)))) / convert(money, sum(size)) * 100.0)),6) + ' %')
				'PerUsed'               = convert(varchar(8),right(space(6) + convert(varchar(6),convert(decimal(8,1), convert(money,sum(size - convert(float,curunreservedpgs(d.dbid,u.lstart, u.unreservedpgs)))) / convert(money, sum(size)) * 100.0)),6) + ' %')
from            master.dbo.sysdatabases d,
				master.dbo.sysusages    u,
				master.dbo.sysdevices   v,
				master.dbo.spt_values   a,
				master.dbo.spt_values   b,
				master.dbo.sysmessages  m
where           d.dbid                  = u.dbid
and             u.vdevno = v.vdevno                                     --> nouveaute 15.0
--and           v.low                   <= u.size + vstart              --> ancien 12.5
--and           v.high                  >= u.size + vstart - 1          --> ancien 12.5
--and             v.status & 2            = 2
and             a.type                  = 'E'
and             a.number                = 1
and             b.type                  = 'S'
and             u.segmap & 7            = b.number
and             b.msgnum                = m.error
and             isnull(m.langid, 0)     = 0
group by, convert(varchar(30),m.description)
order by, convert(varchar(30),m.description)


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